So, why not edit your engine_config.txt file, properly equip yourself with any item of your choosing, and enter combat. Remember, the above codes only work when in combat mode. Using the above cheats, you should be able to jump right into the action, skip the grind, and even kill your own mount at will! The inventory cheats assist in avoiding an inevitable grind for top gear, and lets you enjoy extreme lethality in combat. With the game announced in 2012, and the early release teased in the summer of 2019, there is significant excitement for the game, with peak twitch viewers hitting nearly 240,000 in the first two weeks. Not sure if it worked? Start the game, and open your inventory - you should be able to see all items on the left, which you can drag into your pack. You will then need to locate the line “cheat_mode = 0.” Changing the 0 value to 1 enables all of the above cheats. Select engine_config.txt, and open with Notepad. To enable cheats, go to the hard drive location where the game is installed, which is typically “This PC.” Navigate to Documents, then Mount and Blade II Bannerlord, then Configs.

Related: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord: 10 Essential Player Character Skills To Prioritize The game is notably complex, mixing strategy and RPG gameplay styles. TaleWorlds Entertainment’s latest release delighted fans with an early access release on March 30. With one simple file edit, cheats can be enabled in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord. The ability to enable cheats makes this complex RPG a little easier to succeed in.